Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Geeks are the new HUNK.

I was at a mamak, having my "me" time reading CLEO magazine (July 2008 and get yourself a copy!!) . Flipping through the pages, one article caught my eyes. I just blinked blankly, 'I think I've heard this somewhere..oh! I remembered..' and I smirked.

Story goes...

Get over Brad Pitt and start dating your own nerdy Henry (as in Ugly Betty's bf) cause:

  • GEEKS GO THE DISTANCE.missed last night's episode of Gossip Girl? Need help taking your pet pooch to the vet?Leave it to your geek to help you out.Geeks are more sensitive to your needs and will always take one step further in finding out what you truly need.
  • GEEKS ARE GREAT IN BED. This has nothing to do with his package - geeks are always better lovers simply because they are better prepared, will pay attention to your needs and knows what to do to please you. By contrast, the average bad-boy will probably expect you to please him.
  • GEEKS FIX TECHNICAL GLITCHES. Technical-related stuff are a geek's forte, if not they'd probably have "connections" who can help handle any of your tech-glitch.
  • GEEKS MAKE THE MONEY. A great example is Bill Gates, (worth 22.21 Billion USD!!), founder of Microsoft Corporation, who (we're guessing) probably never had a date during his awkward high-school years.

So there you go. Kudos to Elsa Samuel!! I have to agree with her with everything she wrote in the magazine. I once dated a "geek" and he is one hot stuff and I never ever regret being with him at all. Best among all the guys I used to date. So ladies, go out there and hunt a geek. I am looking forward to meet other geeks in future. No more bad-boys. They are troublesome (don't anyone agree on that?). Cheerios~

Zara D.

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