Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nothing's The Same; Not Meant To Be...

You've been in my heart
I see your faces most of the time.
It's cloudy;
Whenever that thoughts of us came...

Time's moving so slowly.
I can't take it anymore.
I'm in between my past and future..

Tried to fight it
Tried to eliminate your smell
-- runs in my vein.

There are things I'd like to say
About you, about me, about us.
About my dreams...
This burden;
-- Should I walk away and ignore this pain?

You came for a reason,
Life's no meaning without you...
It's not meant to be...
I shall never replace you.

"sampai kapan kau terus bertahan?
sampai kapan kau tetap tenggelam?
sampai kapan kau mesti terlepas?
Buka mata dan hatimu,
Relakan semua..." - Padi

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