Monday, October 26, 2009
Goodbye Double Standard Friendship
Friday, October 16, 2009
Short story
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I can't believe in 2 days time I'm gonna be 25 years old. That's quarter century old. Damn! I feel old. I have been sitting down and think a lot lately. Why I've changed so much. Well, I figured it out after talking to a mutual friend of mine. I'm not the same girl like I used to. I hardly go out and I CHOOSE who I wanna go out with. I feel insecure. Funneh.
I have to admit, partly it's because of work. Then the responsibilities are piling up. Damn! Can't I just be 21 again?
These are the worries I've been thinking that made me depressed:-
1. Work - salary issues
2. Household - money issues
3. Parents - money and time issues
4. Relationship - time and past issues
5. Friendship - time, money and past issues.
I think that's about it.
Haha, Having quarter life crisis is very very not interesting. Oh well.
But this is what I'll achieve soon:-
1. Stable job
2. Driving license
3. Car
All insyaAllah by end of the year... :)
Happy Birthday to me in advanced!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I'm not Alone.
I have my knight in shining amour to be there for me.
I have my friends who are there for me.
I have my family who are there for me.
I'm thankful.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Scars and Souvenirs
"Doing things, changes things. By not doing things, leave things the way they were.." - Dr. Gregory House.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Busy Bee
I can't wait to start my new work. Got meself new sons. I have Car Crash Hearts and Rashdan Harith on board with me and soon Stonebay. Hmm hmm.. busy? Yes. I was told by my best friend to stay with the old boys until album launching. I haven't think about it. Don't want to yet.
Right now, I'm making plans for them who's with me. I can't wait for the events that I'm gonna work with Sen and Rahul. I need to make myself busy. I can't just sit down and do nothing. Currently, I'm very busy -- twitting.
Tweet me. :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Heartache Every Moment
Sunday, June 28, 2009
A rockstar who actually find his way to call me. A close friend of mine told me, "Babe, he is into you.. Come on, how many guys would actually go to a public phone and call you to ask how was your day and tell you that his battery died and he is on his way back home to KL?"
How foolish am I to fall for that?
I can't get him out of my head. I'm spinning around.
I'm a lovefool.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I Deny It
I experienced a weird situation where I have no idea who he is. I do actually. I ONLY know the basics about him. I can't get him out of my head. I wonder...
Sometimes, I wonder whether what he tells me are either true or false. Either it was honesty or a lie. It's hard to read people's mind. Action says louder than words. It's unbelievable. I try not to think about it. It's not rocket science. It's not a math equation. It's a lot harder than it seems.
The thing is, he knows exactly who am I, what I want. Me? I'm complete the opposite. Suddenly, it turns into an obsession to me. To know whether my feelings are completely true or I'm just feeling this way because I can't have him.
I have butterflies in my tummy. It's been a while I haven't had that feelings. Whenever he sits next to me, eying each and every of my movements, listening to every words that blurt out through my lips. Funny isn't it?
Hoping that he would call in the middle of the night. Wishing my wished would come true -- to get an answer. An answer for that question that's been lingering on my mind. Driving me mad.
My best friend said, " It'll pass. This is just a phase. You'll get over it... ". Is it true? Maybe I didn't try harder to forget about it. BUT, yes, there is a but. The more I try to forget about him, the more I'll miss him, I want him.
I want to go to bed. I don't want to think about it, about him. I'll try not to. That's because, does he think about me before he goes to bed? I don't think so. I'm only there for him, when he needs me. I'm just a safety net.
Okay, I think that's it. That's it..
Denying is good. Ignorance is bliss.
Yes, I deny it.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A letter for a stranger
Monday, June 15, 2009
I thought you would be different. I fell for it. I'm hurt. The more I tried to forget about you, the more you come into my mind. When I finally open up, I got hurt badly.
Goodbye. That's all I could say. Though nothing actually happen between us, I'd like to keep it as a memory in my head, you, as one of those strangers that pass by me.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
25th Birthday Wishlist
- IKEA Cupboard (worth RM 139)
- Mattress (worth RM 200 and not from IKEA)
- 25 pairs of shoes (celebrating each year of my life)
- Shoe racks for those 25 pairs of shoes
- DVD player (I need a new one. So, if it has no brand, it doesn't matter BUT everyone do know that cheap thing no good, good thing no cheap)
- Watch (Not for the wall. Wrist watch? Yes. I need one)
- Purse (Been using it since 2005)
- Spa treatment (I need to relax)
- Dozen of light bulbs for my bed lamp (You need to see me and request the sample)
- Washer machine (The old one is broken)
- Laptop battery (Since no one can get me a Macbook 13", so I decided to use the 3 years old lappy of mine and the model is - ACER Aspire 5500Z)
- External Hard drive (been living on thumb drives and email to store, so pathetic isn't it?)
- Coat rack (not to hang coats but handbags because I have loads of them and no where to store it)
- Maid that cleans the house once or twice a week
- Dressing table (from IKEA as well)
- Gym instructor or at least someone to motivate me to work out
- A pair of jeans (seriously, I just want Levi's 501 or just from BLOOK)
- HIM old cds since I lost 2 of it (not the latest album, just the 1st and 2nd album)
- Internet camera (is that what you call it?)
- Original anti-virus because I don't have any (the 3 years would do enough for me)
- Printer (simple black and white would be enough as well)
- Speaker or sound system for my lappy (urm, since Altec Lansing is expensive, I'll go for Sonic Gear)
- Hangers for my clothes (can get them from Tesco, Giant, Carrefour, KK Mart, etc)
- Beautiful Life dvds (the very first japanese series that was on telly. Takuya Kimura was the main cast. Been looking for that)
- Last but not least, a pair of new glasses. I've been using this for 2 years, without changing the lenses.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
for the love of god
I don't really enjoy it.
I don't feel home.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Foolish Games
I wish I can be as strong as my old friend. She lost someone she loves. Died. At least he is still breathing. But it's too painful.
I made a promise to thyself, I shall be alone.
No more games. No more serial datings after breaking up. I need to feel the loneliness. I need to channel the love to myself and the people around me who loves me for who I am. No more games.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Good Old Days
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Alone with loneliness
Thinking bout,
How I'm gonna do without,
You around in my life,
And how am I gonna get by,
Ain't got no days,
Just lonely nights,
If you want the truth,
Well boy I'm not alright,
Feel out of place,
And out of time,
I think I'm gonna lose my mind
I miss your face,
I miss your kiss,
I even miss the arguments,
That we would have,
From time to time,
I miss you standing by my side,
I'm dying here,
It's clear to see,
There ain't no you, God knows there ain't no me,
Don't wanna live,
I wanna die,
If I can't have you in my life
So tell me how you feel
-- I'm lonely
Are you for real?
-- So lonely
Do you still think of me?
-- I think of you
Do you dream of me at night?
-- Like I dream you all the time
Oh let me tell you how it feels
-- It's like everyday I die
Wish I was dreaming but it's real
-- When I open up my eyes
Oh let me tell you how it feels
-- And don't see your face
I think that I will never love again
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Don't Wanna Try
how I wish things would of happened so differently
I tried to save it so many times but you still couldn't see
Had to wake up face reality
Everything we had.. is just down the drain.
All those memories..
I wish I could erase it.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Love You Til The End
When you're all alone
I just want to catch you if I can
I just want to be there
When the morning light explodes
On your face it radiates
I can't escape
I love you 'till the end
I just want to tell you nothing
You don't want to hear
All I want is for you to say
Why don't you just take me
Where I've never been before
I know you want to hear me
Catch my breath
I love you 'till the end
I just want to be there
When we're caught in the rain
I just want to see you laugh not cry
I just want to feel you
When the night puts on its cloak
I'm lost for words don't tell me
All I can say
I love you 'till the end
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thinking of You
Once you've had a taste of perfection
You said move on
But where do I go?
I guess second best is all I will know..
How do I get better
Once I've had the best?
You're the best,
I'm thinking of you..
Thinking of you..
What would you do if
You were the one who was spending the night
I wish I was looking into your eyes
Won't you walk through
and bust in the door
and take me away
No more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay..
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What Hurts The Most
It's been awhile. I know I've been very quiet, very reserved. I just want to be alone right now. I'm just like a zombie. I haven't slept for 4 days. I don't go out. I hate these feelings. Feeling of emptiness. There's a big void. Knowing he's not around anymore, making it harder for me.
I just felt like my right leg is chopped off. I haven't done anything stupid because I made a promise to him and myself. I don't remember moving on is this hard. Very very hard. I felt like, losing a dead lover is easier compared to know he's alive and bound to bump into. I hate this. All the familiar faces. All those places, reminds me so much of him. I can't even sleep in my own room. I just sit down and cry my eyes out. I don't care anymore how hurt it is. As long as I can get this pain go away. Far far away.
I kept on staring at the phone everyday, hoping for a miracle. To take this pain away. I've been thinking, leaving is the best way. BUT running away doesn't do me any good. Only coward will runaway.
i don't know. I can't think clearly anymore. At times, I think, doesn't he misses me at all.. I know it's best for both him and I.. I'm just not ready. Losing him at this time. BUT if not now, when? Definitely do not want to go on and on same old thing. I hate this.
Part of me loves him a lot. I want him around. I need him around. I have lots of people to support me but it's not the same having him around. I don't want to feel this pain anymore.
Time is too slow. I'm doing my best to keep myself busy. As much as I want to drop everything and cry everyday, I can't. I just want this pain to go away. Just go.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
When You're Gone
I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cried
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
They lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do
And all I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it ok
I miss you..
Monday, May 18, 2009
Close to the Flame
The kiss - sweetest
And touch - so warm
The smile - kindest
In this world - so cold and strong
The arms - safest
And words - so good
The faith - deepest
In this world - so cold and cruel
So close to the flame
Burning brightly
It won't fade away and leave us lonely
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Luka dihati..
seperti perasaan memberontakku ini..
Memberontak kerana kesedihan...
Memberontak kerana kesunyian...
Memberontak kerana keseorangan...
Hatiku luka.
Hujan yang membasahi bumi,
seperti air mataku yang membasahi pipi..
Menangis kerana kesedihan...
Menangis kerana kesunyian...
Menangis kerana keseorangan...
Hatiku luka.
Aku tak mampu lagi menutup kesayuan ini,
Aku kesepian.
Aku tak mampu lagi menyelidung keperitan ini,
Aku kesedihan.
Hatiku luka.
Monday, May 11, 2009
All over again
I'm tired of this. I'm tired of getting attention from other people. I'm tired of these nonsense. I'm already unhappy. Tried to be. Pretending to be. Denying the facts.
I'm doing my best to change. I can't do it all alone. Stop being this way. Just stop.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
He's just NOT that into you
- If he said he'll call you but he didn't - NOT INTERESTED
- If he said he'll see you in a bit but cancelled the last minute - NOT INTERESTED
- If he's sleeping with someone else while going out with you - NOT INTERESTED
- If he said that he broke up with his girlfriend and told you that you're hot - JUST WANT TO GET INTO YOUR PANTS
- If he said he has a girlfriend and still going out with you - NOT INTERESTED and JUST WANT TO GET INTO YOUT PANTS
- If he said he'll be your friend after a few date - NOT INTERESTED
- If he said he's not into marriage - NOT INTERESTED
- If he said he wants to continue the relationship just as partner - NOT INTERESTED
- If he said nice meeting you and hug after a date - NOT INTERESTED
- If he takes your number and NOT call you more than a week - NOT INTERESTED
Well, that's more than enough. Been through it all. Lesson taken. Unfortunately, I'm always attracted to selfish bastards. It's a good book though. Something I learned and would love to pass it down to the readers. :)
All the best in finding Mr. Right.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Suicide or Song

Sorrow rebuild me as I step out of the light,
Misery strengthen me as I say my goodbyes...
I heal my wounds with grief;
-- And dream of you,
And weep myself alive...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
In Joy and Sorrow
I've made up my mind, but at the end, I got heartbroken.
Waiting and waiting.
" Seperti menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba.. "
Monday, April 27, 2009
Being an anti social. I just want to be alone. Sulking.
I finally know what's missing..
Thursday, April 23, 2009
To an empty space.
I never like coming home. I have no one to greet me at the door. Just an empty bed in an empty room. I have everything that I dream of, yet I'm all alone.
I've cried all alone thinking how sad and pathetic it is.
I don't have a boyfriend, my parents are away, siblings have their own life (as in family) and friends, they have their life too.
Here I am, blogging this pathetic blog, all alone, in the living hall.
I shall go to bed. Dream a beautiful dream...
Monday, April 20, 2009
I'm blessed.
I love them like my own kids. I've never thought I'd be as happy as I am right now. I'm proud of them. I'm doing my best to give what they want. But, has anyone question me what I want?
I think my boys can go far.. If only they can see what I'm doing for them. Whenever they're on the stage, I feel like crying. I fell in love with them. No matter how tired or sad I am, whenever I see them fooling around or even making fun of me, it warms my heart. Now, I know how does my mom feels.
All I pray is to be together with them for a long time. I love my kids, they are my new family.
Secret Episode
That's about it.
So close BUT yet so far...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Bite Me
I'm just lucky. Thankful to God. Thankful to my parents who never stop praying for me. I had a conversation with someone who I barely know. Told me that heard rumors bout me; snobbish, arrogant. What if I am? I am living a whole new life.
I do remember where I come from. Oh, well. Some people..
As far as I'm concern, I never leave anyone behind. Correct me if I'm wrong. All I want is to live my dream, and it'll come. 5 years from now, RSG Events, insyaAllah, will be one of them. That's a promise to thyself.
" Do you know how to rest and chill ? "
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Making Memories
Where you going?
I didn't mean to blow it
You're upset and I don't know what I said
But I'm sorry
Don't you give up on me?
Don't pretend you're not smiling again
Let's just leave it
You know I didn't mean it
Don't know why we put up such a fight
Over nothing
When we could still be something
Take off your jacket
Don't walk out that door
There's no need to leave anymore
Can't do this myself
No, I need some help
We all need some help
You and me
We should be
Making a memory whenever we're together
Look at me
Can't you see
We were meant to be
Making a memory
Thursday, February 19, 2009
When Love and Death Embrace

Today I create a drama. Unnecessary drama. Bringing up small matter. Making it as a huge deal, like its the end of the world. I mixed everything up. I made him leave. Not picking up the phone, not replying any of my messages. I want to leave everything. I hate the way it is. We are already drifted apart. We're still denying. I'm not myself lately. I can't think through. I hate myself when I look at myself in the mirror. I feel like smashing the mirror. Peel my skin off. Pull my hair. Blind myself. I hate the way I am.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Die,Kitty Die!
Why would he bother? Like he said, he doesn't have obligations and responsibilities at all. Selfish? Yes. Never seems to care about anyone except for himself. No wait, I'll give him credits to acknowledge about the world and other people but not me.
I've been so upset with him for god knows how long but everytime I try to say it, I just thought to myself, "What the hell for? Wasting time only. Better cherish what we have." Funny right?
I always think about the good thing about him, but he sees my bad traits most of the time. I'd find time for him in my busy schedules. I'd make time and find my way to be with him. I'd cancel my meetings for him. Him?
The only way for me to release my anger is to go out with those people. But come to think of it, like he cares. What if I sleep with another guy? I'm not his girlfriend like he claims but he said, "I'll leave." It's been 2 goddamn years. I'm trying to improve but he never change. Not that I asked him to. I accept him for who he is. He always want me to change.
I let my guard down. I said sorry when I'm tired of saying it. I want to scream out loud, "DIE KITTY DIE!!!!"
I agree on what my best bud said;
fareisha says (11:54 AM): im starting to think men are complete and i mean COMPLETE in its whole sense - IDIOTS.
fareisha says (11:54 AM): serious shit ok!

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Lover's Dead Lane
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Silent Valentine's
fix the problem, not the blame...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Who For You
If I could paint a sad goodbye;
I’d paint your eyes a clear blue sky.
Pluck you grace from a pale faced moon
And slumber down this tattered room.
If I could find an amber train;
Lord I’d ride it to the bitter end.
Passing hope in the summer bloom;
Passing dreams and a fading tune.
If I should stray amid crimson rose…
Whither angels on wings of gold?
Who for flowers in the month of May?
Who for you on your winter’s day?
Who for flowers in the months of May?
Who for you?
I love this song..Soundtrack from Gubra. Pete sang it beautifully..My new lullaby.. :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Passing Dreams with Tears...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Kekwat Gitu.
"Kenapa dengan Bunkface tu?
BUKAN sekali tetapi dah banyak kali Papa mendengar rungutan tentang band indie yang sedang meningkat naik nama mereka sekarang.
Siapa lagi kalau bukan Bunkface yang sedang top dengan lagu Situasi tu. Amboi, hebat mereka kan? Lagu Situasi tu pun dah berjaya menjuarai beberapa carta radio popular di negara ini.
Tetapi, yang tak sedapnya, sedang asyik diulit dengan populariti, rupanya Papa dengar cerita kumpulan Bunkface ni dikatakan berlagak sampaikan tidak mahu membuat sesi fotografi ataupun ditemu ramah oleh media.
Kawan Papa yang cantik jelita bermata kuyu pun rupanya pernah terkena dan apa yang membuatkan kawan Papa ni naik hantu apabila pengurus Bunkface yang bernama Zara memang sombong dalam memberikan jawapannya.
“Minta maaflah ya. Kami tidak akan buat sesi fotografi dengan mana-mana media sebab kami hanya mahu menumpukan perhatian kepada promosi album dan lagu sahaja. Bunkface tiada masa untuk sesi fotografi kerana terlalu sibuk,” kata Zara kepada kawan Papa tadi dalam nada yang cukup menyakitkan hati.
Agaknya Zara baru lagi kot jadi pengurus dan tidak faham selok-belok dunia artis ni? Bukankah sesi fotografi itu juga sebahagian daripada promosi untuk Bunkface.
Helo, artis lama dan senior pun masih lagi sudi nak buat sesi fotografi dengan akhbar dan majalah sebab mereka tahu itu adalah promosi untuk mereka.
Tidak mengapalah. Mungkin Bunkface dan pengurusnya tidak memerlukan media untuk membantu mereka kerana ada cara promosi mereka yang tersendiri.
Kalau lepas ni ada apa-apa yang terjadi, jangan nak salahkan wartawan pula sebab tidak memberi sokongan dan publisiti."
Sometimes, I just don't understand some people. Just trying to provoke me. Alhamdulillah, I handle it well. It's just another challenge for me working in this industry. Oh, well.. Pepatah melayu kita - " Tak kenal, maka tak cinta."
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Mereka kata ku gila
Lagilah aku suka
Otakku geliga
Fikiran luar biasa
Mereka kata ku samseng
Tapi ku tak ambil pusing
Pedulikan semua
Fikir apa yang penting
Fitnah belaka
Ada yang suka
Juga ada yang benci
Biar peluru menembus kulitku
Suatu yang pasti kekal abadi
Jangan percaya kata mereka
- Maharani, Butterfingers.
Zara Ismail.