Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Picture of my life...
Every life is like a movie. We are the cast and in this movie of ours we are the main actor or actresses and we are also our own director and scriptwriter. God is our producer and this is the picture of my life.
I may not be a famous and glamorous star but I “starred” and “directed” my own “movie” like any other movies you’ve seen. Actually, we all do. Is just the matter whether you want to put it “on air” to let other people read or watch it. I do. I want to show part of my life to all of you and who knows it might help through this story of mine.
For some certain time, I always wonder how it feels to be someone else. Today I’m all alone again at home. It just feels so empty to me. Staring at the ceiling. Listening to the neighbors. Looking at the busy street that never sleeps. Please excuse my writing here. I’m not a blogger or a writer type of a person. Each and everyday, I wake in the morning, I’m doing the same old same old routine. Aren’t any of you tired of the same things? I surely am. But this is life. Once you’ve started to take the responsibility, everything is a routine. Nothing is the same like when you were in school. Well, yes when I was in school I can’t wait to get out and start working but when I am where I am right now, I kept on wishing that school never ends. Sounds a little childish aren’t I? I’m living a quieter life now. I don’t go out to parties like I used to. I’m not complaining. I’m just saying this because I was the one who cut all the party friends. I can’t live those kind of life. Parties, boozes and drugs. I was once a junkie and I’m not proud of it. I do miss those “old” life but when I look where I am right now, I’m grateful I’ve seen the light. The only thing I’m wishing is for my birthday is more excitement in my life. Yeah, I’m gonna be 23 this coming 3rd October. Day by day we’re getting older. Seconds actually. I just need to spice my life up. I have a wonderful job that pays quite okay for my qualifications and experiences. What I’m doing is not what I took course in college. Thanks to my lovely friend, Anyz, who introduced me to my wonderful bosses, Dev and Mohan.
Sometimes I just wish that my friends and I would hang out more like we used to. Now we’re all grown ups who has lots of responsibilities. Not even a second to say hi to each other. It has always been “I’m busy, I’ll buzz you soon okay?” and it never happen. Don’t that always happen to you? I envy my boyfriend’s life sometimes. He’s still in college so can’t beat that. College life rocks. Friends are always there to hang out. It’s like “dude, free later? Let’s chill.”. correct me if I’m wrong. He always has activities to do. Its either doing group assignments or hanging out with friends. His life is always packed with activities. Mine? Hurmm.. last I checked, I came back home, took a long shower (that’s to kill the time), make myself dinner, watch dvds, waited for his calls, go to sleep. It has always been like that. That’s during the weekdays. Weekends? I’ll go out if he takes me out. If he doesn’t, it’s either I’m back at my parents place or I’ll be at home doing my chores. I don’t go out to the movies alone like I used to. I don’t go out to my favorite place to have a pot of chamomile tea, watch the crowds while reading a book anymore. Is that what happen when you get older? It’s so dull. Very grey. I’m coming 23 and I feel like I’m 32. Maybe, I say maybe because of this, I tend to pester my boyfriend and demand to see him more and that’s why he said I’m needy and dependent on him subconsciously. Which I didn’t even realize that at all. But is it wrong for someone who hardly see her boyfriend who’s always been busy with his life ask? Every time when I wanted to seat down and talk to him, I changed my mind. This is because I do not want to waste any seconds that we have. So all I can ask is through my thoughts only. The only time that we have is the time that we always rush because we always have activities. All I’m asking for is a day, just me and him, sitting down and talk. Yes, we do talk all the time, if I’m at the office and he’s online from home or class or library we chat, or even at night before going to bed, we have this cute routine, ‘smoking together’ and talk on the phone but not a serious talk. Maybe, like I said again, maybe, he’s not ready or didn’t notice at all and I hope one day, I’ll have that talk with him.
I had this one conversation over the phone with my wonderful best girlfriend, dini, she was complaining how bad her relationship is. I agreed on her too. Men at times can be so selfish and never bothers what women trying to tell them. All they can say is that we women keep on nagging, pestering and demanding. What they didn’t realize is that we’re trying to figure out how to make relationship works. Some men doesn’t even bother to ask what we women do or have we eaten or even better, how was our day. Women are supposed to be pampered. We don’t expect it most of the time, we only ask at least once a week on better still, which will make mens’ life easier, ask once in blue moon. Don’t think that men has work to do, important meetings to attend, that we women don’t as much as men does. For married women who has a career, they work too. They come back home, for whom has children, nurture them, make sure the houses are tidy and all, greet the husband and give them pleasure (and I’m not talking just about sex). For single career women who’s dating or engaged, they have hard time at work too (I don’t so far). Just a simple question, “how was your day?” will change every single feelings and thoughts and straight away can see the smile on their face. Yet, men doesn’t has a clue about it. Yes, we women too would admit that we don’t understand men at times, and the simple and easy way is to sit down and talk about it calmly. No pointing fingers, “I work harder” or “ you have no idea..”. none of that. The problem with people, they always get defensive but once when they are on their own and thought about it, that’s when they would realize what went wrong. Funny isn’t it? Grown ups. I’m one of them and I do admit those things happens. Not just in relationship. Family and friends too.
Family, the topic that one would not discuss. For the is the same like relationship. Personal. Family is our root. I’m not afraid or embarrass to admit that my family aren’t working out so well. We argued on small and silly things which I started and now the whole family is not on talking terms. The only people I’m talking to are my parents and my sister. I’m not on talking terms with my brother and his family (he’s married with two lovely kids which I missed a lot) and my brother in law couldn’t be bothered about me. He’s a little sensitive now. My sister told me that my brother in law won’t be coming back to my parents place for Raya. I’m pretty sure my parents especially my dad would be really upset about it. I pity my sister because she’s stuck in the middle between our father and her husband. I feel bad and how I wish I could make things better but there’s nothing I could do. The more I try to fix things up, the more it got worse. That’s what happened between me and my two best friends of 10 and 14 years. I’ll get to that story soon. I’m clueless. My sister is pregnant and I’m sure my dad misses her. Oh how I wish I could do something. Any ideas? Feel free to drop a comment and suggestions.
So okay, now I can tell you what’s the real story happened between my two best friends and
Once after I’ve moved, that’s when I met my boyfriend. Until now I couldn’t believe I’m with him. He was my primary school mate. Every time I think about it, it made me smile. I toned down my party life. Slowly I left the group. Shauna came back from overseas. She met those “old friends” of mine. We hung out. She started to change to one of them. We tried to make things work between us. Like those saying, “two is a party, three is a crowd”. Later on, my dad fell sick. He had 85% - 15%. The chances were so low. I spend most of the time with my dad. Doctor was telling us to pray. I cried to my best friends. They promised they would come on the operation day itself. They didn’t show up at all. They did come day before but wasn’t the same. Thank god my dad went through it. He’s now recovering. When he knew what kind of friend they were, he was so upset as he himself always consider them as his daughters. Dini was always there for me though she’s busy. He was happy to know at least I have a very good friend who’ll be there for my ups and downs. Lesson learned, lesson taken.
Now, my life isn’t the same. I have few good friends. Like what my dad always say, “Friends come and go as we grow older. It’s the quality not the quantity.” And I have to agree with him. For every reader out there, a simple hello would cheer your mate. Cherish them and never take advantage on them. You might never know who’ll help you around and be with you through the sunshiny and rainy days. These type of friends keep them closer. Say thank you to them whenever and don’t just wait for any special occasion or receiving any thing from them. They’ve given you a beautiful gift, friendship. Appreciate them. At this particular moment, I’d like to take this chance to say thank you to all my friends out there for coming into my life and colored my beautiful days. You will not be forgotten. You know who you are.
So peeps. This is the story of my life. Part of it. All about my relationships with my family, friends and romance. I’m grateful to go through all this. For coming birthday, I’m wishing it’d be better. InsyaAllah. Thank you for your time to read. Take care fellow readers. Soon, I’ll be writing more. Something interesting than this. Might never know my life will change and I’ll have interesting stories to share. Please excuse me for any grammatical errors. Thank you again.
Hugs & kisses,
Zara D.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
i blog this last night
Zara D.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
birthday wish list

1. dinner at rahsia
2. cash RM 450. [i dun have to pay my rent]
3. tong gas [ada stove tapi tong gas takde]
4. mattress. [tilamku amat nipis]
5. new frame for my glasses.
6. shoe cabinet
7. mini bar
8. Victoria secret body splash
9. shoes shoes shoes [and a pair of sneakers too]
10. dvd rack
11. dinner at starhill
12. dinner at groove junction
13. HIM limited edition dvd set
14. ikea wardrobe
15. digital camera
16. web cam
17. laptop cooler
18. external hard disk
19. brand new s500i [sony ericsson] or nokia 7373
20. perfume from Chanel [allure] / Ralph Laurence [romance]
21. pay raise
well so far that's my wish..more to come. *hint hint hint*
Zara D.
how my blog should be ..
Your Blog Should Be Purple |
![]() You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything. You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey. You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say. |
my heart is green.
Your Heart Is Green |
![]() Love completes you, but that doesn't mean you seek it out. When love comes your way, you integrate it peacefully into the rest of you life. Your flirting style: Laid back Your lucky first date: Walking around aimlessly and talking Your dream lover: Is both enthusiastic and calm What you bring to relationships: Balance |
Monday, September 17, 2007
Loveology ( part I )
-- taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia []
i've been searching high and low for the meaning of love. just want to understand more about it. love can be very simple and can be really works on how you choose it to be.
many people don't understand what love is and i'm very sure many people get confused with it. most people misused it. take advantage of it. what is love?
don't all of you question this? there are many types of love.various categories.i can't name all because i haven't do any research on it. today i just want to open this topic for discussion. i'll continue more on this topic.
cheerios babies~
Zara D.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
From the heart...
Zara D.
The apple of my eye...
Zara D.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
confession ( part I )
Zara D.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
my heart shouts ...
Zara D.
love and other disasters ( part I )
Zara D.
Monday, September 10, 2007
all cried out
Zara D.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Girls night out to Urban Republic @ Maison

The house will provide a sanctuary of substance, soul and a fresh swagger to fill the void in deprived young souls. This is where the pure feeling of togetherness and brotherhood is once again fostered. This is where we bring together like-minded individuals to a common beat of music built for, and by the community of the streets. We take you to a whole other level that bursts at the seams with the true music of its age, obliterating barriers of culture, race, fashion and ethic.
We introduce to you a resonant ambience that reinforces the urban music scene with vibes that have long been missed. Here the scene is establishing a platform that will most effectively defy mainstream convention. Through “UR”, the latest in hip-hop collides with all that is raw and original in urban music clubbing, all in an environment conducive to your right to party.
The revolution of hip hop and soul begins.
what's written up there was taken from so when i read the reviews,yeah why not,lets give it a try after so long i've not partied. so made plans with anyz,wanted her to join and she couldn't make it cause she's still working [rajin sunggoh kawan aku nie.] and i invited arlyn aka angah,my beloved pet sis. knowing just the 2 of us are going,i feel like canceling the plan.the more the merrier plus it's supposed to be a girls night out. but since angah was so excited to go plus the last time we met was 3-4 months back.we reached there about 12++ the crowd...ouh my god!! all those chinese hip hoppers.80% full of chinese, the 20% malay,indian and others. the dj's so suck! i prefer to go loft upstairs instead of maison. that's gonna be the last time i'm gonna be there. the air conditioning is so bad and only some certain area only you can feel the air. i mean, look at loft upstairs,telawi street bistro,passion and many other clubs,even though it's packed but the air conditioning mantained. we can still feel the air-cond. the services are bad. i don't like it cause the bartenders are not so friendly type.'re in the service line.SMILE.and yeah so slow. [mentang mentang aku pernah jadi marketing exec at evoke cocktail bar,but it's true,penat and stress macam mana,smile even if you're hubby's or mom or whoever died.] thanks to angah for accompanying me there..thanks to alil [angah's bf] to send and pick us up there and send me back home too~ next time,the real girls nyte out.have to plan earlier.after alil picked us up,we stopped by at zouk to pick up wan kembang.. he was one of our party friends.i last met him at UV nation.he was all alone.standard ahh xaxau kat loft.tapi respek ah sebab dia slalu pergi xaxau sorang sorang.keras gile.then we all went for supper at setiawangsa..perghh lama tak jejak kaki to area setiawangsa.after i left my old life.i heard an old good friend of mine is finally back in K.L , has a job, has a girlfriend and less going to parties.i felt so good when i heard the news..after sending wan back we all headed back home to sleep! working people here!! =) here i enclosed four pictures of angah and i at Maison. Sorry if it's blurry.taken by handphone's 1.3 megapixels. if u complain,get me a brand new s500i or 7373.birthday coming up!! **winks**Thursday, September 6, 2007
only god knows
Zara D.
advice from shareen
Anda mungkin mempelajari sesuatu jika membacanya!! !
Bersedekahlah kepada orang lain lebih daripada yang mereka perlukan dan lakukanlah dengan penuh kerelaan.
Kahwinilah lelaki / wanita yang gemar anda berbicara dengannya, kerana kemahiran berbicara antara satu dengan lain akan menjadi lebih penting pabila usia semakin tua.
Usahlah mempercayai segala perkara yang anda dengari. Berbelanjalah sekadar apa yang ada atau tidurlah seberapa lama yang anda perlu
Apabila kamu berkata, " Aku Cinta Padamu", maka tunaikanlah.
Pabila mengatakan, "Maaf", tenunglah matanya.
Bertunanglah sekurang-kurangnya enam bulan sebelum kamu diijabkabulkan.
Percayailah cinta pandang pertama.
Usah tertawakan impian orang lain. Manusia tanpa impian tidak memiliki apa-apa.
Cintailah seseorang dengan sepenuh hati dan penuh kasih sayang. Sungguhpun anda akan berasa seolah-olah diri anda tersiksa, tapi percayalah itulah satu-satunya untuk melengkapkan kehidupan ini.
Jika berlaku perselisihan pendapat, bertengkarlah secara aman. Usahlah menyebut nama sesiapa ketika bertengkar.
Usahlah menilai seseorang berdasarkan peribadi keluarga mereka.
Berbicaralah dengan tenang dan berfikirlah dengan pantas.
Apabila seseorang bertanyakan satu soalan yang tidak anda gemari, lontarkanlah senyuman dan bertanyalah padanya,"Kenapa anda ingin tahu?"
Ingatlah bahawa setiap cinta dan pencapaian yang besar akan melibatkan pengorbanan dan risiko yang besar.
Ucaplah "Semoga anda diberkati" apabila mendengar seseorang bersin.
Apabila anda kerugian, janganlah jadi kurang ajar.
1. Rasa hormat pada diri sendiri;
2. Rasa hormat kepada orang lain;
3. Rasa tanggungjawab terhadap semua tindakan anda
Usahlah benarkan pertikaian yang sebesar hama merosakkan sebuah persahabatan yang besar.
Apabila menyedari bahawa anda telah melakukan kesalahan, usahlah berlengah untuk perbetulkan kesalahan itu.
Tersenyumlah ketika menjawab telefon. Pemanggil akan melihatnya daripada suara yang mereka dengar.
Ada ketikanya anda perlu bersendirian.
1. give to the poor sincerely
2. marry to a man/woman that you love to talk to cause communication is important especially
when you gets older
3. don't believe all the things you've heard, spend your money wisely and sleep as long as u want
4. when you say "I Love You",make sure you mean it.
5. when you say "I'm Sorry", look straight in the eye.
6. get engage at least for 6 months before solemnization.
7. believe in love at the first sight.
8. don't laugh at other people's dreams. people who's without a dream won't have anything at all.
9. love someone with all your heart and soul even though you feel that it's unbearable, but
believe it cause that's the only thing that completes your life.
10. if there are arguments or misunderstanding, discuss it calmly and don't mention who's right
or wrong.
11. don't judge a person by their family background.
12. discuss calmly and think fast.
13. when a person asked a question that you're uncomfortable,JUST smile and ask, "why do you
want to know?".
14. remember love and achievements requires big sacrifices.
15. say "god bless you" every time someone sneezes.
16. when you're at lost, don't be rude.
17. hold on to these 3 R's:-
- respect yourself
- respect others
- responsible on the actions you take
19. when you've realized that you've made a big mistake, don't dawdle/delay the time to solve it.
20. smile when you answer the phone and the caller could imagine it when they hear you.
21. there are times you need to be alone.
most of these advices are for me too~ hahha but i just wanna share with all of you.after all, sharing is caring..
Zara D.
Difference between Friends and Bestfriend
Friend: calls your parents by mr. and mrs.
Best friend: calls your parents dad & mom or tito & tita. (
Friend: has never seen you cry
Best friend: has always has the best shoulder to cry on
Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink
Best friend: opens the fridge & makes himself at home
Friend: asks you to write down your number.
Best friend: they ask you for their number (cuz they can't remember it)
Friend: borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.
Best friend: has a closet full of your stuff
Friend: only knows a few things about you
Best friend: could write a biography on your life story
Friend : will leave you behind if that is what t! he crowd is doing
Best friend: will always go with you
Friend: will ask where you've been (after going AWOL)
Best Friend: will say I MISS YOU & goes on being your friend
Friend: would delete this letter
Best friend: will send this back to me and all of their online buddies
i'm so sad now.i want to cry.i hate missing her.makes me feel so take this pain away now..
Zara D.
rush hour

last night when to one utama with oza to watch rush hour 3.the movie starts at 9.10 (that's what written in the ticket) but truth is the ads only showed for 30 minutes.. i've been wanting to watch rush hour 3 with danial but unfortunately, time envied us so i manage to watch with my dear friend oza. when the movie started i was trying to remember what happen in rush hour 1 + 2. totally forgot about it. anyway, after watching the whole movie.. ok there's a few part is hilarious and others are too cliche.. i only wanted to watch it because i want to see jackie chan's stunt. but i enjoyed throughout the movie.thanks oza for taking me out!! anyway, i'm sorry to know what happened to you. be a man and think wisely which is good for you.this is your future we're talking the rest,an important advise here.. every decision you've made or will make in life, will take effect and change your entire life.. so choose wisely and NEVER EVER regret what happen in life,take it as a beautiful lesson by god cause when you do regret it,the past will haunt you. have faith.believe... kisses people~
Zara D.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
an event that no one should miss..

this is an event no one should miss~
he's one of the good singer-songwriter.1st time i saw him performing was at No Black Tie Merdeka Showcase.ouh by the way, i just got a sms from my darling boyfriend saying that he has to cancel tonight.damn! i really thought i could meet him up for dinner and watch it together..tapi harapan je la..nampak gaya nye have to make another plan for sad la. haiyo..maybe catch a movie sumthing like dat ke.. now i'm sad. guess i'll be seeing danial next week je la.have to understand he's a student still.not like me working already. haih~
maybe i'll go and catch a movie with oza.tu pon tatau jadi ke tak lagi..haiyo..busan nye nk kuar nk kuar!!! hope today bley kuar la...
look at the title of this post.looks like it i'm gonna miss it! hahaha~
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
merdeka's eve @ bamboo
Monday, September 3, 2007
it was merdeka's eve and my beloved sumone had to canceled me last minute because of unavoidable reasons. well, it did shattered my heart and pissed me off but i have to see on the bright side cause there's always a GOOD reason behind it. anyway, i went off to bar flam at sunway with my girlfriends and enjoyed the fireworks with the "mat rempits" that they blast from sunway lagoon. it was fun but it wouldn't be the same if danial was there.. then, later on i joined my friend at bamboo, ttdi plaza. it's awesome place! love the crowds there. am waiting the pictures from ida,oza's sister in law. i'll post it soon.
well,that's on 30th of August 2007. Happy 50th Birthday Malaysia!! so the next day on 31st August 2007, Friday, my darling boyfriend took me out the whole day [making it up to me..and i really appreciate it!thanks baby~ i know u sayang me so much,and i sayang you too.. !]. we went to catch a movie at Summit USJ. we watched "The Invasion". it was played by Nicole Kidman and that dude from the latest james bond sumthing craig if i'm not mistaken. so anyway the movie was adrenaline's quite good. kinda like it. at first it was scary..imagine u get infected by this alien dna and then evolve to a very dull boring. but anyway, after the movie, we went to have late lunch at pizza uno at taipan and shoot off straight to central market. there's a merdeka event going on. there was a few bands playing.i don't even know who the line ups were. i didn't really enjoyed it because it was hot and too many people there. met a couple of old friends. especially shahida (friends of 14-15 years.). she opened up a booth to sell her stuffs. basically funky clothes.
after a while, we convoyed to No Black Tie. There's a Merdeka showcase. It's a beautiful place. Located at Lorong Mesui, Jln Nagasari off Jln Raja Chulan behind Istana Hotel. We had a glass of wine accompany with wonderful singer-songwriter performing such as Reza Salleh (ouh ouh i have the biggest crush on him!his voice is soooo wonderful~ la la la) , Mia Palencia , Izzy, Zalila Lee, Pete Teo, Isaac Entry and of course Azmyl Yunor (damn cool lecturer.reminds me of Aby Huraira but Azmyl is offense aby!). There are even poerty reading by Bernice Chauly and jokes told by Amir Muhammad ("it's with double Ms and a U and i'm new on facebook." hahahha!) and Phang Khee Theik ("it's still bleeding.." eew eew but funny!). the show started at 10 and ended around 1++am. it's worth of going. thank you baby for taking me there. it's one of the highlights of the year for me. we should do that again every once a month BUT this time just me and you are a couple of photos of me and danial at NBT.

well, the next day, 1st September 2007 (ouh my god it's september already!!), we spent times together then meet up my parents at Taman Permata, KL. Layter on we went to Naili's ampang..ouh it's been awhile i haven't see abang lee, mil and abang zul. really missed them. actually nothing much happen on the 1st except we went to farrah's 22nd birthday bbq. ouh she's eizaq's new gf. very decent girl. most of the time she's quiet. she's very talented!! i love it when she plays the piano. ouh k~ she has grand piano!! been wanting to play piano for ages and i got that chance! I haven't touch the piano for more than 10 years. i remembered smashing the piano after all of my family members kept comparing me to farah (my cousin which is the same age as i am and who is an intelligent person and talented and an angel.). i'm totally the opposite. what can i do,i'm the black sheep of the family.and i really enjoyed doing it too~ give them some entertainment. hahahha~ =P anyway, the party was one of the best! quite hillarious! imagine, ok ok i dun want to get sum people offended. so i apologize in advance yeahhhh~
the bbq was held at farrah's house opposite of KGNS, Kelana Jaya. so most of the guest was her relatives. makcik pakai tudung and all.. this is the first bbq party i went that has a DJ (ok.the dj was quite bad.playing bsbs' songs?) and they have laser light (ouh kalo time2 tgh syiok party tuh konfem sasau) and they have smoke machine!! wah wah wah~ cool gile okaayyy~ so after the karaoke session (mostly it was fully utilized by Eizaq and sabby. ouh sabby has a wonderful voice.loike it!),it's party time.. (yeah when it was karaoke session it's not considered as party yet.)! so the dj put on few songs like beyonce,j.lo, and many more (lazy laaa to cracked up my head and remember the songs) then we were like "it's farrah's party,lets dance and not spoil the party" and so we did until all the aunties with tudung joined us at the "dance floor" doing some sort of dirty's cool but it's hilarious! couldn't imagine it one of them were my mom! ouh my god!! Na'uzubillah~ here are few pix from the party taken by my wonderful boyfriend. as usual he'll be the unofficial photographer which is good for him to practice more on the skills.

see got laser light summore...

once i've reached home,i met my bro in law.broke the news, and guess what he said, "i knew from the start already." . ces, buat penat aku je risau..but when i broke the news to my sis,i hugged her and cried saying im sorry for the things i did if i ever hurt her feelings and i told her how much i missed talking to her and i feel so sad i gotta leave subang.gotta leave,i went upstairs to my room..packed up few important things then go to bed.
2nd september 2007 -- hari ini dalam sejarah, saya telah pindah ke ken damansara condo at damansara intan. housemate are quite nice people.segan pon we went for furniture hunting and bought a 3 seater sofa,tv rack and a dining table from cavenzi. layter on danial came and picked me up,went for dinner at syed bistro ss19 (god!! cant the service get any worse??).we waited for the rest of the group and shoot off to putrajaya to see the fireworks.
horibble traffic!!! but it's worth of going though we didnt reached our real destination since everyone were supposed to meet up by 730pm at syed bistro but all came late as usual.i'm still waiting the photo from danial but here are few pictures of moi,danial,adi,eizaq and farrah.

Zara D.